Joint declaration by government representatives of the SAARC region

The representatives of the governments of SAARC declared to embark on joint action to promote rainwater harvesting.
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Recommendations of the Regional High-level meeting in June 2009
The participants of the “Regional High-level meeting on Rainwater Harvesting, 28 -30 June 2009, Kathmandu, after intensive discussions based on the papers presented and deliberations held during the technical and the plenary sessions came up with recommendations for future actions.
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Meeting with SAARC Ministers on Regional Centre for a South Asian Network on Rain Water Harvesting
Hon. Dinesh Gunawardana, Minister of Water Supply and Drainage, Sri Lanka had invited the ministers attending the SACOSAN IV Conference, to a meeting to inform them about progress made in pursuing the setting-up of a Regional Center for a South Asian Network on Rain Water Harvesting and to gauge the interest of one of the regional countries to hold a next rainwater meeting.
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International Workshop on Rain Water Harvesting “Making Rain Water everybody’s Business

In June 2005, on the initiative of the Ministry of Urban Development and Water Supply, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Government of Sri Lanka adopted a National Policy on Rain Water Harvesting to facilitate increasing access to safe drinking water in line with achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
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