
Webinar 3 – Covid 19,rainwater harvesting,issues,challenges and best practices

Document : https://sarainwater.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Webinar-3-Covid-19rainwater-harvestingissueschallenges-and-best-practices.pdf

Webinar 4 – Rainwater harvesting offers hope and opportunities for women

Document: https://sarainwater.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Webinar-4-Rainwater-harvesting-offers-hope-and-opportunities-for-women.docx.pdf

webinar 6 – Webinar 6 reviving traditional water harvesting systems

Document : https://sarainwater.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Webinar-6-Reviving-traditoinal-water-harvesting-systems.pdf

Webinar 10 – Investments in rainwater harvesting is an investment in the planet

Document: https://sarainwater.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Brief-on-webinar-10-Investment-in-rainwater-harvesitng-is-an-investment-on-the-planet.pdf

 Webinar 15 –  Experiences from Bhutan; on increasing resilience of communities to secure water resources

Bhutan is among the severely affected regions due to climate change. Instead of Kochey- mass snow fall of about snow piled up to about three feet now there is close to one feet of snow and rain too has become inconsistent impacting the lives of the people. During a period of 70 years temperature has increased in Bhutan by 2.1C stated Dr Sangay Dorji, a Technical Director and Programme Specialist from Tarayana Foundation presenting on Climate Change and Its Impacts on Water Resources in Bhutan. Sonam Pem, Executive Director of the Tarayana Foundation, and Karma Uden, Senior Programme Officer also shared the success stories of the interventions of Tarayana Foundation in addressing climate change by reviving springshed management.

Watch the webinar for details here:  https://youtu.be/7U09RmtlWzA

 Webinar 17- Design ideas on rainwater harvesting

Register: https://lnkd.in/gxm3ut_5

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South Asia Rainwater Network   We invite you to become a member of our network on RWH. Together we can certainly make a difference by supporting each other towards creating access to water for vulnerable population in the South Asian countries. Simply click the below link that you are interested in adding your organization to the network. Click Here to Register