The theme of the International Conference is ‘Water and Sanitation in a Changing World.’ The event will be held from 31st January to 02nd February, at Mlimani, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
UN 2023 Water Conference Virtual Side Event
19th March 2023 @ 9.00 AM (EST)/ 6.30 PM (IST)
Climate change impacts us all – with the immediate effects most often felt through water insecurity. So why we ask, is only 3% of climate finance dedicated to water-related adaptation? As 2030 fast approaches, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets on water and sanitation are still distant hopes, and water insecurity is growing as the climate crisis becomes a reality for billions of people. As stewards of water, women and girls confront the impacts of climate change every day yet lack decision-making power to influence climate finance commitments to water security. These impacts are deepening the devastating impact of widespread gender inequality in our changing climate. We ask our policymakers and leaders to priorities investment in gender transformative water security at COP27 and to commit to the clear actions defined in this webinar.
The webinar will include statements and presentations to demonstrate water security evidence, WASH as a pathway for gender equality, and the essential element of gender-responsive climate finance that includes investment in water, sanitation, and hygiene. Breakout groups will discuss 5 calls to action as we finalize a Joint Statement for endorsement in lead up to COP27. Please join the dialogue! Note the plenary session will have interpretation in French and English.
the 03rd webinar of the Young Rainwater Champions collective initiated by SARNET held via zoom on the 05th of October at 4p.m (India Standard Time)
Register for the event:
Nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged globally as one of the key sustainable and affordable ways to fix the broken urban water cycle and contribute to improve river/basin – cities health. While appropriate public policies are essential to mainstream the use of NbS, revisiting practical NbS implementation cases can provide important inputs to better understand how to properly shape these policies.
Based on case studies from different geographies and social and economic contexts, this session aims to discuss how to create an enabling environment for mainstreaming NbS in urban and basin water management, considering the various implementation scales, the multiple stakeholders involved, and the technological solutions available.
In addition, this session will be an opportunity to showcase IWA Strategic Programmes focused on mainstreaming innovative good practices/solutions that contribute to the progression of water management worldwide and support achieving SDG 6, especially the new Inclusive Urban Sanitation initiative.
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 812 1031 0639
Passcode : 241701
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 819 2658 8830
Passcode : 739236
The South Asia Rainwater Harvesting Network (SARNET) website was launched on the 24th of March 2021, taking on the theme of this year’s international water day “valuing water” at an event conducted via zoom social media platform.
More Info: