A report, published by German-watch along with Climate Action Network (CAN) and New Climate Institute, was released November 10 on the side-lines of the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (CoP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). According to this report India, however, maintained its 10th rank like last year. It continued to be among the top-performing countries within Group of 20.
- China slipped down four places compared to 2020 to occupy 37th position and a ‘low’ rating.
- European Union also slid six places compared to year before and occupied the 22nd position and ‘medium’ rating.
- UK did well by occupying the 7th position; it slipped two positions compared to the year before.
- The Scandinavian countries did well; Denmark took the pole position in the climate performance list with 76.92 percent score, followed by Sweden and Norway with 74.46 and 73.62 percent scores respectively (‘high’ rating).